Dry Eye Clinic in Winnipeg

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Providing Relief for Winnipeg’s Dry Eyes Since 1979

Dry eye disease occurs when the eye lacks lubrication. There are 2 causes of poor eye lubrication: the eye does not produce enough tears, or the tears it makes evaporate too quickly to lubricate the eye.

Dry eye disease can be chronic and is sometimes incurable. However, dry eyes can be managed in many cases. At Henderson Vision Centre, we provide extensive diagnostics and treatment programs for patients seeking dry eye therapy.

Most patients see us 4 times over 6 months:

  • Once for an initial assessment/treatment.
  • Follow-up diagnostics and treatments at 1, 3, and 6-month milestones.

More Information About Dry Eyes

Dry eye disease’s symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, such as conjunctivitis. Many people also confuse dry eye with seasonal allergies or temporary irritation.

  • A stinging, burning sensation in 1 or both eyes
  • A feeling as if something is in the eye
  • Watery eye, often followed by periods of dry eye
  • A stringy discharge from the eye
  • Redness of the eye (and often the eyelids and surrounding tissue due to rubbing the eyes)
  • Blurry, hazy vision
  • Unable to cry

We Can Help Alleviate Your Dry Eye Disease Symptoms

If dry eye is impacting you, visit us for an assessment and treatment. Request your appointment here.

Diagnosis begins with an eye exam, during which we examine your eyes and assess their overall health. If you have dry eyes, we also may measure the volume or quality of your tears.

We can also help diagnose the cause of your dry eye. Many factors can cause dry eyes, including common medications (like antihistamines) and digital eye strain.

Our dry eye therapy program includes:

  • Oculus Keratograph 5 imaging to gauge the cause and severity of your dry eyes. This process measures the meibomian glands, tear meniscus height, and tear breakup time
  • Hylo non-preserved artificial tears to increase eye lubrication
  • Heating goggles to stimulate eyelid health
  • Tea-tree oil cleanser

Regardless of the method of treatment used, our goal is the same: to improve your quality of life by reducing or eliminating your symptoms.

Where Can You Find Us?

You can find us in the River East Plaza, between Safeway and Booster Juice, and across from Tim Hortons. We have plenty of parking available on-site.

Our Address

Unit 1B – 1439 Henderson Hwy
Winnipeg, MB R2G 1N3

Contact Information

Phone: 204-582-2308
Fax: (204) 339-1272
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM7 PM
9 AM4 PM
9 AM3 PM

*Please note we are CLOSED on Saturdays of long weekends and for the months of July and August.

Our Services


Our Blog

Quiz: Do I Have Pink Eye?

Eye Health

Quiz: Do I Have Pink Eye?

Eye Health

If you’re experiencing redness in the white parts of your eye, itchiness, or thick green or yellow discharge from your eyes, pink eye might be the cause. If you think you have pink eye, it’s important to schedule an eye exam with your optometrist. […]

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December 17, 2024
Dr. Melina Chow

If you’re experiencing redness in the white parts of your eye, itchiness, or thick green or yellow discharge from your eyes, pink eye might be the cause. If you think you have pink eye, it’s important to schedule an eye exam with your optometrist. […]

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Can Cataracts Return After Surgery?

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Can Cataracts Return After Surgery?

CataractsEye Diseases Diagnosis & ManagementEye Surgery

Many people wonder if cataracts can come back after surgery. While the answer is no—since the cloudy lens is permanently replaced—some may experience Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO), which can cause similar symptoms. […]

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November 21, 2024
Dr. Melina Chow

Many people wonder if cataracts can come back after surgery. While the answer is no—since the cloudy lens is permanently replaced—some may experience Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO), which can cause similar symptoms. […]

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Contact LensesEye Exams

Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Contact LensesEye Exams

Contacts are one of the most popular forms of vision correction. Because of their flexible, comfortable, and hands-free fit, many individuals prefer wearing soft contacts over eyeglasses.
Their design offers several benefits that eyeglasses don’t, such as a more natural field of vision that remains unobstructed from eyeglass frames. However, contacts do require more maintenance and care.
Yes, contact lenses do expire about every four years from their manufactured date. The contact lens solution that it’s packaged in will no longer be sterile and you should not put expired lenses in your eyes.
Unlike a prescription for eyeglasses, contact lens prescriptions also expire annually, necessitating an updated contact lens exam and fitting to place an order for a new supply.

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October 15, 2024
Dr. Melina Chow

Contacts are one of the most popular forms of vision correction. Because of their flexible, comfortable, and hands-free fit, many individuals prefer wearing soft contacts over eyeglasses.
Their design offers several benefits that eyeglasses don’t, such as a more natural field of vision that remains unobstructed from eyeglass frames. However, contacts do require more maintenance and care.
Yes, contact lenses do expire about every four years from their manufactured date. The contact lens solution that it’s packaged in will no longer be sterile and you should not put expired lenses in your eyes.
Unlike a prescription for eyeglasses, contact lens prescriptions also expire annually, necessitating an updated contact lens exam and fitting to place an order for a new supply.

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