Myopia Control in Winnipeg

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Help Your Vision Go the Distance

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is one of the most common refractive disorders in the eye. It has also become increasingly common in recent years.

People with myopia can focus on objects that are nearby without difficulty, and typically have no trouble using tools such as computers or tablets. However, faraway objects will appear to be out of focus, which can make it difficult to read billboards or traffic signs.

Individuals with myopia may experience a gradual onset during childhood, then see their symptoms increase rapidly after the age of 20.

Myopia is primarily caused by genetic traits that create refractive errors. For example, a person whose cornea has too much curvature will be unable to focus light directly on their retina, which results in blurry vision.

Today, myopia is currently found most often in people between the ages of 12 and 54. Some people suspect that myopia may be related to heavy technology use. Research suggests that focusing on screens or other nearby objects for long periods might gradually change the shape of the eye and remove its ability to focus on distant objects.

Myopia can be difficult to detect in children, who may not always recognize its symptoms. These symptoms normally become more obvious when children enter grade school and start reading. Common early signs include:

  • Difficulty reading from a distance
  • Inability to focus on anything far away
  • Headaches and eye strain
  • Squinting
  • Eye fatigue when reading or using a handheld device

Optometrists typically diagnose myopia with routine eye exams and prescribe eyeglasses or contacts to correct it. Myopia can stabilize after childhood, but over time your eyes will change. We recommend having regular exams to make sure your lenses remain effective in the long-term.

Uncorrected vision can exacerbate myopia symptoms. Because myopia causes the eye to elongate over time, your vision needs to be corrected properly to slow its progression. MiSight contact lenses are a simple and effective solution for this issue.

MiSight lenses correct errors to your distance vision by focusing light on your retina and uses a set of peripheral rings to focus some light in front of your retina, reducing how quickly the eye elongates over time. Because myopia is a common issue in children, these contact lenses are fantastic solutions for your child, helping them control their symptoms and maintain their vision into the future.

MiYOSMART® lenses are another lens technology that can help reduce the rate the eye elongates over time. Like MiSight contact lenses, these special eyeglass lenses help focus light on your retina, with peripheral defocus rings that focus peripheral light in front of your retina. These lenses can help your eyes maintain its shape while delivering clear vision as well.

LASIK surgery can also provide a permanent solution to myopia for those who qualify. This procedure uses a laser to carefully correct the shape of the lens in your eye. LASIK is generally considered a comfortable and hassle-free procedure for people who no longer want to wear corrective lenses or contacts.

Where Can You Find Us?

You can find us in the River East Plaza, between Safeway and Booster Juice, and across from Tim Hortons. We have plenty of parking available on-site.

Our Address

Unit 1B – 1439 Henderson Hwy
Winnipeg, MB R2G 1N3

Contact Information

Phone: 204-582-2308
Fax: (204) 339-1272
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM7 PM
9 AM4 PM
9 AM3 PM

*Please note we are CLOSED on Saturdays of long weekends and for the months of July and August.

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Contact LensesEye Exams

Contacts are one of the most popular forms of vision correction. Because of their flexible, comfortable, and hands-free fit, many individuals prefer wearing soft contacts over eyeglasses.
Their design offers several benefits that eyeglasses don’t, such as a more natural field of vision that remains unobstructed from eyeglass frames. However, contacts do require more maintenance and care.
Yes, contact lenses do expire about every four years from their manufactured date. The contact lens solution that it’s packaged in will no longer be sterile and you should not put expired lenses in your eyes.
Unlike a prescription for eyeglasses, contact lens prescriptions also expire annually, necessitating an updated contact lens exam and fitting to place an order for a new supply.

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Contacts are one of the most popular forms of vision correction. Because of their flexible, comfortable, and hands-free fit, many individuals prefer wearing soft contacts over eyeglasses.
Their design offers several benefits that eyeglasses don’t, such as a more natural field of vision that remains unobstructed from eyeglass frames. However, contacts do require more maintenance and care.
Yes, contact lenses do expire about every four years from their manufactured date. The contact lens solution that it’s packaged in will no longer be sterile and you should not put expired lenses in your eyes.
Unlike a prescription for eyeglasses, contact lens prescriptions also expire annually, necessitating an updated contact lens exam and fitting to place an order for a new supply.

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Can Myopia Be Reversed?

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Can Myopia Be Reversed?

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Imagine needing to squint to see distant objects or struggling to read road signs until you’re almost upon them. This is life with myopia. From schoolchildren to adults, myopia can significantly impact a personès daily activities, requiring corrective measures like glasses or contact lenses. Unfortunately, myopia cannot be reversed, only corrected or controlled.
Even though it can’t be reversed, several myopia control methods have proven to slow the progression of myopia. Other long-term solutions, like laser eye surgery, can also reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
One thing that is certain is the need for intervention to prevent potential complications that can arise from unchecked myopia. That’s why it’s so important to get regular eye exams for your child.

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Imagine needing to squint to see distant objects or struggling to read road signs until you’re almost upon them. This is life with myopia. From schoolchildren to adults, myopia can significantly impact a personès daily activities, requiring corrective measures like glasses or contact lenses. Unfortunately, myopia cannot be reversed, only corrected or controlled.
Even though it can’t be reversed, several myopia control methods have proven to slow the progression of myopia. Other long-term solutions, like laser eye surgery, can also reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
One thing that is certain is the need for intervention to prevent potential complications that can arise from unchecked myopia. That’s why it’s so important to get regular eye exams for your child.

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