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Waking Up With Dry Eyes: Possible Reasons & Solutions

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A woman looking at the mirror in the morning raises her left hand to rub her dry eyes.

Imagine this scenario: you wake up on a beautiful morning, ready to take on the day, but your eyes feel dry and gritty. You might have dry eye syndrome.

The discomfort caused by dry eye can affect your vision and quality of life.

Possible reasons for waking up with dry eyes include:

  • Environmental factors
  • Allergies
  • Nocturnal Lagophthalmos
  • Behavioural habits
  • Underlying health conditions
  • Medications

Your eye doctor can determine the reason for your dry eyes, and can provide possible solutions such as lifestyle changes, eye drops, and treatment for underlying causes.

What Are Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes result from an ocular surface disease called dry eye. Dry eye occurs when your eyes produce insufficient tears or poor-quality tears that don’t work as they should.

Tears are essential for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. Tears lubricate the eyes, reduce the risk of eye infections, and wash away foreign particles. Fewer tears and an unstable tear film (possibly due to an incorrect balance of the components that make up tears) can all leady to dry eye disease.

Common Dry Eye Symptoms

If you have dry eye, you might experience various symptoms such as:

  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Burning sensations, 
  • The feeling that something is in your eye. 
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye fatigue

Possible Reasons for Morning Dry Eyes

Dry eye symptoms can be more pronounced in the morning, making it challenging to start your day right. Here are some possible reasons why you might be waking up with dry eyes.

Environmental Factors

One of the primary reasons for waking up with dry eyes is environmental factors. Poor air quality and low humidity levels can contribute to dry eyes. Inadequate ventilation and the use of heaters or air conditioners can worsen the condition by drying out the air, leading to quicker evaporation of tears.


Waking up with dry eye can also be a consequence of allergies in your sleep environment. These can include dust mites, pet dander, or skin products used before bedtime.

Nocturnal Lagophthalmos

Nocturnal lagophthalmos refers to either sleeping with your eye partially open or the inability to fully close your eyelids while you sleep. This condition can cause evaporation of tears and increased eye dryness when you wake up.  

Behavioural Habits

Our daily habits and behaviours also play a significant role in eye health. Overuse of digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, can lead to dry eyes in the morning.

Underlying Health Conditions

Several underlying health conditions can contribute to your morning dry eyes. Allergies, hormonal changes, and autoimmune diseases can affect tear production and quality.


Certain medications for high blood pressure, antidepressants, and antihistamines can also lead to dry eyes as a side effect.

Possible Solutions for Morning Dry Eyes

A woman sitting at her desk in front of her laptop. She is taking a break by looking away from the screen.

Determining the cause of your morning dry eye can help your eye doctor create possible solutions to alleviate your symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes

Making a few lifestyle changes can significantly impact the health of your eyes. Prioritize eye care, especially before bed, by removing all makeup and cleansing your eyelids. Also, wash your bedding regularly to reduce allergens. 

Make sure your living environment has adequate ventilation, and consider using a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels. Regular breaks from digital screens and practicing the 20-20-20 rule—every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds—can also help reduce dry eye.

Eye Drops

Over-the-counter lubricating drops or artificial tears can provide much-needed moisture to the eyes. Your eye doctor may also recommend a stronger solution, such as an ointment for overnight use.

Treatments for Underlying Causes

Professional treatments for dry eyes include prescription medications to reduce inflammation and stimulate tear production. Punctal plugs, tiny devices inserted into the tear ducts, can help retain tears on the eye’s surface for longer periods, while heated goggles to stimulate oil glands and increase the quality of tears is another potentially effective technique.

The Importance of Addressing Dry Eye

Addressing dry eye is crucial for maintaining overall eye health and vision comfort. Ignoring dry eye symptoms can lead to more severe issues such as eye inflammation, abrasion of the corneal surface, and even vision problems.

While lifestyle changes and over-the-counter products can provide sufficient relief, your eye doctor can perform an eye exam, assess the health of your cornea, and evaluate your tear production to recommend personalized treatment plans to provide symptom relief and improve your eye health.

Wake Up to Comfortable Vision

Waking up with dry eyes can be a frustrating experience, but understanding the possible causes and implementing practical solutions can make a big difference to your quality of life. Lifestyle changes, prioritizing eye care, and seeking professional advice can help manage dry eyes effectively so that you can wake up to comfortable vision.

Don’t ignore your symptoms or changes to your vision—take proactive steps to manage your eye health today. For personalized dry eye relief, book an appointment with Henderson Vision Centre. 

Written by Dr. Melina Chow

Dr. Chow received her Doctor of Optometry from the University of Waterloo in 2005. She has been an integral part of the Henderson Vision team for over 15 years, moving back to her hometown immediately upon graduating from university. When she isn’t at the clinic, Dr. Chow runs circles trying to keep up with her two energetic boys. Once she’s had enough cardio, she enjoys baking and planning her next vacation.
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