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Maintaining Eye Comfort During the Winter

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As residents of Winnipeg, you know first-hand how badly harsh winters can affect our bodies. From chapped lips to dry skin, the freezing cold wind shows no mercy to anyone, or anything.
After building up the much needed confidence to go outside, you proceed to bundle up with gloves, hats, boots, jackets, and pretty much anything else you can find. But, we feel it is safe to assume you do not cover up your eyes.

The Importance of Protecting Your Eyes

Much like our skin, our eyes must be protected when we’re out in the elements to prevent damage. When exposed to the elements, freezing cold air evaporates the tear film that keeps our eyes clean and moistened.
When this happens, we may experience irritation, stinging or burning. In extreme temperatures, the blood vessels in our eyes may freeze our cornea causing both pain and vision loss. Protecting your eyes is important to ensure both comfort and damage protection.

How To Protect Your Eyes

Luckily, it is pretty simple to protect your eyes during the cold winter months. You may already be using some methods of protection without even realizing it.

Wear Sunglasses

Unlike the name suggests, sunglasses do much more then help you see on a bright day. Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful rays from the sun, such as UV-A and UV-B, that can cause serious damage to your eyes.
Even on cloudy days it is important to wear your sunglasses. UV rays are capable of penetrating through clouds and reflecting off the surface of snow and ice, if present.
Aside from protecting your eyes from UV rays, sunglasses act as a wind barrier shielding cold, dry air from entering your eyes and causing irritation.

Wear Goggles

Common amongst winter sports enthusiasts, goggles are a great way to protect your eyes from freezing air while acting as a shield from ice and snow particles. As a bonus, goggles can also protect from UV rays!
Regardless of whether you are on the slopes, or shoveling the driveway, goggles can be an excellent way to ensure your eyes are well protected.

Try a Humidifier

Although a humidifier will not protect your eyes while you are outside, they will help you find relief if you forgot to wear protection. Humidifiers are great for keeping our skin and eyes moisturized while indoors.
Cold weather is also very dry and is a big factor in winter dry eye flare-ups. A humidifier will improve air quality and help keep your eyes comfortable- thus minimizing rubbing and other activities that can cause further irritation or damage. Also, try moisturizing eye drops to find further relief. Please come in and talk to one of our optometrists so we can help you choose the right type of eye drops for you.

Eye Care Products

Where better to purchase your eye protection than from Henderson Vision Centre? With over 35 years of experience, we are equipped to provide you with the most state of the art eye care available.
Come in and check out our unbeatable quality designer sunglasses to ensure both style, and protection this winter.

Written by Dr. Scott Mundle

A University of Waterloo graduate (class of 1983), Dr. Mundle became a partner with Henderson Vision Centre just one year later. Dr. Mundle has been an integral part of Henderson Vision Centre ever since.
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